why pak systems products are reliable and secure, evidence, barcode, custody

PAK Systems has developed a proprietary temporary packaging solution to protect and track personal items. We are the preferred provider when it comes to quality and customer service. Our first priority is to make it easy for you to secure and manage your patrons' privacy and valuables.
safe secure envelopes property bags benefits paksystems good for Law Enforcement Hospitals Resorts healthcare homeland sheriff TSA
  • sergeants deputies policemenLaw Enforcement Security, Dispatch Officers, Procurement, Deputies,Sergeants, Immigration Services

  • hospital admissions agentsHealth Care
    Admitting or Purchasing Agents

  • security procurementHospitality Industry
    Security, Procurement
security features tough poly film polyvault closure multiple sizes document pouch


Get secure tamper-evident systems that serve your needs consistently to fulfill your safety and cost requirements.

valuables pak currency envelope property bag


Products with the advanced features and functionality that provide complete satisfaction.

paksystems market industries include corrections law enforcement police hospitals dispensaries hotels resorts


Hospitals, correctional institutions, hotels or wherever you need to temporarily and securely hold valuables.